How to get your teenager to a photoshoot
We have to remember that teenagers have been brought up in a digital world and are in the thick of hormones. The two are not generally a good mix as the need for insta perfection is ever present. The pressure for their peers to literally like ♥️ their posts is something that we shouldn’t take lightly. So how do I get your son or daughter to do a teenage photoshoot?
No need to drag them kicking and screaming!
As we all know if a photo of you is shared and you think you look horrendous it can get you down. Because of this I treat everyone the same. I want them to LOVE their images. So before hand I will ask what kind of look they are going for and offer suggestions too.
I want them to feel confident that I will deliver. Their worst fear is that the images will be naff or cringe. That I’ll make them look like an idiot in their eyes. I do this by talking to them not at them. I’ll make them feel relaxed and then when they’ve relaxed into the photoshoot. I’ll show them one of the images straight out of camera. Just one, so the flow of the shoot isn’t interrupted. Then when they see how bloody amazing that they look their trust is won and I can start to really capture them.
This is what I did with Sian. We talked about what she wanted and I showed her the style of images that I was thinking of. We chatted about what to wear and we decided to keep it really simple so that the outfit didn’t become the focus that it was all about her. That’s how you get your teenager to a photoshoot!
We met up in Bramhall on a ridiculously hot Sunday and got it all done is less than 30 minutes! Lots of giggles and cool stares later we had it in the bag!
If you’re thinking that you’d like to have up to date photos of your teenager get in touch and we can have a chat.