professional natural headshot

Take a good look at your profile photograph.

When was the last time you updated it, is it a quick snapshot taken on a mobile phone?

There are many reasons why you should invest in a new professionally taken headshot photograph. Here are my top 5.

1 First impressions count.

In today’s digital world the way you present yourself speaks volumes especially in business. Whether you’re going for a new job or starting or have your own business, your profile/headshot photograph is their first connection to you. First impressions count and showing the best version of yourself is vital.

2  You’ve changed the way you look. 

It’s important that your headshot is up to date. Hairstyles and clothing can easily date a photograph. It’s important that your headshot looks like you look now, not how you looked ten years ago.

3  You want to attract the right people.

People want to do business with people they like and can trust. A friendly headshot could get you that first step in the door. 

4  Keep people interested.

You may want to change careers or move up the job ladder. A new headshot will help get you noticed and certainly give the impression that you take yourself seriously enough to invest in a great headshot.

5  Social media

As we’re all too aware we now live in a digital world. You are your brand. People will see your profile, headshot photograph on all your platforms be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn and whilst some are more playful like a personal profile on Facebook if you have a business page too you need to represent yourself professionally. You may want to show a different side to your business headshot by showing that you are family orientated.

Headshot photoshoots are one of my faves.

I LOVE taking headshot photographs because it makes my heart smiley to see the transformation and confidence a great one can bring. The first stage is to be primped and preened by Lisa so that you will be able to put your best foot forward looking polished and professional. The second part, my part, is to relax you so that it shows in the final photograph. I take my time to show you in a modern, fresh, relaxed way. I’ll talk you through everything so that there’s no need for to to stress or worry.

This one was a special treat, one of the best secrets that I’ve ever had to keep. Team Glam got the call from my mate Sherann for another photo shoot but this time for a very exciting reason……..
She’s on the new years honour’s list, only gone and been awarded an MBE for her work for children with special educational needs and disabilities. Just how bloody brilliant is that!!!!
Totally bursting with pride.

Here’s a selection of some other headshot photography


So whether you need a new profile photograph for social media or need to update your headshot photographs and would like some more information you can email me at mail@kelliejophotography or you can send me a message here.

To keep up to date with my latest work you can follow me on my social media here




Headshot photoshoots Stockport Wilmslow Manchester

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